Lloyd B. Zirbes: Theory of Falling Bodies


Operation GIZA

Even before the onslaught of anti-nature technologies, many acres of earth have suffered from insufficient rainfall. Now, due to the use of these deadly technologies, desert areas have and will continue to expand at an ever progressive rate. Knowledge of the dynamics which create rainfall has allowed our team to devise a method of controlling the factors which produce rain.

Operation GIZA represents our method of accumulating natural, earth produced gravity and using it to disrupt shells of earth's magnetic field which are too heavy and slow moving to allow breakage to occur. As earth's magnetic field becomes ever more burdened with particles released through misbegotten technologies, this method will need to be applied on a larger and larger scale. GIZA is not the solution to our long term problem, but it is a necessary stop-gap measure if we hope to survive the unnatural disaster which is now upon us.

A small, functional GIZA unit for the purpose of experiment and demonstration will cost in the area of $ 30,000. For measurable results at least three units should be used in conjunction with each other, and between them they should provide drought relief over a 2,000 mile span. Under full production, manufacturing costs would be less than $ 10,000 per unit. Due to the potential for unethical and/or uncoordinated use of this system, it would probably be advisable to plan on vending this service.

Operation Echo

The research phase of a new communication system is complete, and it now awaits development. Operation Echo is not based on the electron theory, but rather on our knowledge of gravity. This system of transmitting intelligence is therefore extremely efficient and safe to use.

A 10,000 watt transmitter will easily cover the entire planet and beyond. For communications within this solar system, no satellites are required. This system will be very reliable, offering little if any distortion. Receivers currently in use will be readily adaptable to the new system, requiring only the addition of new antennae.

The cost of developing operation Echo through the experimental phase would probably be near $ 35,000. Thereafter, low powered units could be mass produced at a cost of around $ 50 each. During the initial transitory phase, it would probably be most prudent to simply provide communication services as a vendor. As time goes on, however, this system will be adapted to meet all of the communication needs of the people of planet earth, and will be made available to each and every household.

Operation Blossom

Ongoing experimentation during the mid 1970's with oscillating magnetic fields of varying frequencies proved that genetic change can be produced in both plant and animal life through prolonged exposure to such a field. We have also found that oscillating magnetic fields with concise, consistent values produces a consistent result, which is then carried on into subsequent generations. Operation Blossom will concern itself with the development of plant life which is genetically resistant to drought, disease, and temperature extremes. The systematic depletion of the "gene pool" has caused alarm among those working with hybridization of basic food crops, yet efforts currently underway to preserve these precious genes are inefficient and probably won't work. Operation Blossom offers a viable solution - the creation of new genes by the same method employed by nature - interaction with magnetic fields.

This operation will quickly become one of the most heavily funded of all those planned by our team, for as we well realize, the citizens of this planet are facing some very difficult years - even if clean up operations were begun today. The grim fact of famine becomes more widespread each year, and it will continue to spread as earth reacts to the injuries she has suffered. It is our firm belief that no truly civilized world allows its citizens to starve to death, and so operation Blossom is a high priority both now and for the future.

Operation Coral Reef

Technologies currently used by industry and the military have turned the waters of this planet into a large cesspool. Many have died as a result, and many more will sicken and die. Either science has not yet realized this fact, or they once again cover up the facts, but regardless, the fact is that our waters - both above ground and sub-soil - are becoming increasingly poisonous to the life which depends on it.

Operation Coral Reef will apply knowledge of gravity and sub-atomic mass particles to the development of a unit specifically designed to restore the health and balance of our precious waters. Through a different application of the theory behind operation X, we will create a system which will be capable of reducing water to its singular elements. Hydrogen and oxygen in their pure state will then be recombined, and dangerous contaminants left behind in this process will be disassembled into benign particle systems, and then restructured into stable, useful elements. This operation requires further research before moving into the development stage, but the theory is sound, and is not complex.

Due to the research required, initial costs of operation Coral Reef will be high, but the cost of not developing it will be higher still, for without water, life cannot exist.

Operation Lodestone

To supply electrical energy to larger entities such as cities and industries, a permanent structure will be needed. The system represented by operation Lodestone will employ atmospheric electrical flows from the magnetic fields of planet earth, augmenting natural earth frequencies and resonances. This system requires no mechanical moving parts, and so will not only be a very safe system, but also will be virtually maintenance free and long lived. Once again, no high lines or large transformer stations are needed, which further enhances the safety of this system.

To design and construct a low wattage unit for experimentation and demonstration purposes could be accomplished for $ 10,000. In mass production each unit would cost roughly $ 1,000 to construct.

Operation Nightengale

All creatures which have evolved on planet earth have done so in accordance with the natural influence of earth's magnetic fields. Through the eons, the magnetic fields of earth have shifted suddenly and dramatically. Creatures which could not adapt themselves to the change became diseased, sterile, or simply died out. Due to the use of killer technologies, humankind has succeeded in drastically altering the values of earth's magnetic fields, and as a result we are out of tune with the frequencies produced by our planet. This will cause increasing incidences of new disease, immune system malfunction, and confusion to thought processes - and all of earth's creations will be affected.

Operation Nightengale builds upon an understanding of the continuous interactions of living things with magnetic fields, and the dynamics involved in this interaction to develop and apply new and safe methods of treating illness and injury. This field is wide open to experimentation and research, and experiments conducted by our team in the 1970's have laid the groundwork. Initial and ongoing costs for this operation will be high, but the fruit it will bear will be a bargain at any price.

Operation Equinox

To state the facts most clearly one could simply say that gravity is heat, and that the concentration of gravity in a given area is the factor which determines temperature. Operation Equinox concerns itself with controlling the concentration of gravity in a given area in order to control the temperature in that area. The key to this technology lies in our ability to affect the velocity of particles of mass, which all contain gravity. If we desire to heat a building, for example, we must only decrease the velocity of particles within a magnetic field. As these particles slow, they become more condensed and so require less space. Space (gravity) is therefore expelled, and gravity is heat. To cool a building the process need only be reversed.

The Equinox unit will replace all current dangerous and inefficient methods of heating/cooling with a system requiring no burning of fossil fuels, strange chemicals, or heavy uses of electricity. To design and construct an experimental unit will cost approximately $ 65,000. In mass production each unit can be built for under $ 2,000, and will be best suited for outright sale.

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