Chapter 6: Anti-Matter and Review of Falling Bodies
The universe in which we exist is falling in a given direction. The velocity of that fall is unknown except for relative motion, however, should the opposite direction be taken, at exactly the same velocity, the true velocity would then be zero. At absolute zero velocity energy becomes a zero factor, so that v = E, thereby, zero velocity equals zero energy. Mass will respond in a like manner - once again, velocity determines the value of energy contained in mass. With a zero value of energy, mass becomes very condensed.
We will now add value to the zero velocity and say that our motion is now in the reciprocal direction. With an increase in velocity, energy is once more generated. Energy (due to motion) is now available, and the dense, compacted particles expand. The bodies are once again transducers, however, everything is reversed - energy is now being radiated from the former poles, while the plane of the leading edge of the fall accepts energy. The falling body is now a negative ion, and particles which orbit this falling body are charged in a positive direction. This universe (or galaxy, solar system, atom, etc.) at this point is what we can call anti-matter.
As the velocity increases to and beyond the speed of light, we once again convert the mass to energy, and that energy is neutral - neutral, that is, in respect to itself. All that remains of that mass is a spiraling vortex of pure energy. More will be explained on this subject when we discuss the birth of a universe.
As we cross the threshold between falling bodies in general to atomic structure in particular, it is imperative the reader fully understands several major points. As stated in segment two (falling bodies) all bodies are in motion (i.e., falling), and all bodies fall through a given gravitational field. In the case of the Milky Way galaxy, the primary gravitational field is that of our universe. For planet Earth, the primary gravitational field is that of our sun. For our moon, the primary gravitational field through which it falls is that of planet Earth (and so on). All bodies are attracted to the center of the primary gravitational field through Which they fall.
We've also previously explained that as a body falls it "radiates" a force of extracted energy along the leading edge of its fall, which causes the body to rotate in the direction of the extraction. This extracted energy is radiated in the form of bubbles, and the size of the bubble is relative to the size of the body from which it's been extracted. This extracted energy attempts to return to the body it's been extracted from, and in so doing creates the force generically termed gravity. This gravity offers a repulsive force to the gravitational field the body is falling through.
All falling bodies are encased in an elongated shell which may also be seen as a bubble. This bubble represents the outermost reaches of the extracted energy, as illustrated in figure 27.
As can be seen a particle or a body existing within that bubble is also a falling body. As shown in figure 28, falling body A produces field A, which attracts (pulls) body B towards body A.
As this attraction is taking place, the field produced by body B repels the field of body A. The interaction between this attraction and repulsion of fields results in the orbit of body B around body A.
To summarize then: the field which surrounds a falling body takes the form of an elongated bubble, and for any particle or body which exists within, or is forced into this bubble, the area of this bubble becomes its primary gravitational field, A falling body is always attracted to the center of the primary gravitational field through which it falls. At the same time, the force of extracted energy produced by the falling body is always repelled from the gravitational field through which It falls. An equilibrium Is reached which constitutes an orbit. If the reader can understand these basic concepts, all else can be easily comprehended. Nature is not complex, unless we choose to make it so.