Lloyd B. Zirbes: Theory of Falling Bodies

Book Cover

The symbol of "Project Stardust", the project set up by Lloyd B. Zirbes

Editor's notes on: Theory of Falling Bodies, by Lloyd B. Zirbes

This is a reconstruction of the original Project Stardust book that Lloyd printed and distributed. It took many years to compile everything you find here. Much of it was lost. But through the work of those below it has been restored. If you are in possession of more of Lloyd's writings and research, please add them here (via a github pull request)


If you find any errors, please first check the original scanned version and compare. Then let us know about the error.

The Zirbes Motor and Blueprints

animated image of the Zirbes motor

illustration courtesy of Eric Vogels. Follow his prototype building of the Zirbes engine here

Lloyd Zirbes released and had distributed, through an agent, a set of blueprints for an "efficient motor". Those blueprints are available below in PDF or in Tiff.



Contributing editors

Eric Vogels

John Schiller


Jen Brannstrom

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